Clare & Galway Hillclimb Weekend 2013. Photo shows left to right – Dermot Kelleher, Killian Connole, Joan Vaughan
& 2012 Hillclimb Champion Sylvie Mullins
Clare & Galway Hillclimb Weekend 2013 Rounds 3 & 4 of the Naylor Engineering Irish
Hillclimb & Sprint Championship 2013 will take place on 20th & 21st April.
Day one the Clare Club will run the famous Corkscrew Hill in Ballyvaughan while Galway Motor Club
will run a Sprint at Tynagh, Co. Galway on day two.
Entry fee is 125 euro for one day or 230 euro for both days
For further info please ring Dermot on 086-6028367 or Joan on 086-8902057