9/08/2017: Entries reminder. Regs & Entry form can be found at www.mec.ie

Please submit your entry and also see the event preview below for further details.


4/08/2017: Mondello Sprints Preview

Mondello Park in Kildare is once again going to host the upcoming Motor Enthusiasts Club’s Sprint on the 19/20th August a venue the club have a long association with having run the first Car race meeting ever run there in 1968. We are using the same course we debuted last year which I think was well received which comprises a section of the Mondello’s International loop.

Once again we plan on running Practise and up to 5 timed runs each day so make sure you have plenty of fuel and tyres on board.

Being a Sprint event running on a race track compared to the usual on road based hillclimb means that this event always throws up all sorts of questions,

Will Sylvie get the Judd powered Gould back from the UK in time for her to clear her throat once more and maybe give us another split second finish with Joe Courtney topping the leader board on Sundays event last year.

Will Paul bring out the Norma and will it worry Rory in his bigger engine Radical or will Paul finally get his BMW going properly and do battle with Ben, Dennis and the Old Dog Peter in the smaller engined famous White Escort?

Will Liam Ruth remember to turn right?

Will the Cento’s ever behave and stop the dreaded cheating?

For those who plan on arriving on Friday evening Mondello have agreed to open their Museum for us to take a look at their collection of historic race cars and much more importantly the bar. Sat evening will see a BBQ at the bar with liquid refreshments also being available.

Regulations, Entry forms and Online entry are all available on www.mec.ie
Hurry up and get your entry in to avoid disappointment !!!


Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Scott Milligan & Stephen Boden

Event COC’s